Just 10 LBS by Brad Lamm

January 19, 2011 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: Audio & Video, Health & Fitness 

Every year millions of people make a New Years Resolution to finally go on a diet and lose those extra pounds.  They start with good intentions but somewhere along the way those intentions seem to disappear.  Does this sound familiar? Am I talking to you?

This new book, “Just 10 LBS”  by Brad Lamm could be the answer to your prayers! NO JOKE! Brad is an author and educator best known for helping people make life-enhancing change on The Dr. OZ Show. I caught up with Brad in Las Vegas as he was finishing up a local TV  interview.

Brad Lamm is an Author, Speaker and Board-Registered Interventionist.
He is a regular contributing expert on The Doctor Oz Show, and a consulting producer for an upcoming show on The Oprah Winfrey Network. He hosts a weekly radio show on Hay House Radio and is the author of How to Change Someone You Love: Four Steps to Help You Help Them.

I got my copy of “Just 10 LBS”!
To Order YOUR Copy of “Just 10 LBS” Go To:

You Can Thank Me Later!
Robby LeBlanc

Why Are Kettlebells Different…

December 23, 2010 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Health & Fitness 

Why are Kettlebells Different From Traditional Weight Training?
by Vannessa Bader – From http://hotburningbody.com

The questions are often asked such as… “Why can’t I just use a dumbbell to do the kettlebell exercises such as swings, cleans and snatches?” or “What is the difference between working with a kettlebell and a dumbbell?” As a trainer, you will often hear these questions.   We have found that specifically bodybuilders and athletes are very skeptical about the advantages of kettlebell training.

Of course, every training tool has its advantages and so does the kettlebell. But there is a substantial difference between training with kettlebells and dumbbells. Kettlebell training has some very specific advantages especially when it comes to efficiency, functionality, and “defying gravity”.

Most of the confusion between kettlebells and dumbbells comes from a lack of correct instruction on how to utilize kettlebells properly. As a direct result, people make the mistake of thinking they can use dumbbells as if they were kettlebells.

Traditional weight training

When lifting a traditional weight, the body is usually in a fixed position while moving weight in a linear manner through a direct line of applied force.  The body attempts not to use any momentum and targets an isolated muscle or muscle group. That is why traditional weight lifting is called a “single-plane static” form of exercise.

Traditional weight lifting builds muscles differently. The goal of bodybuilding is muscle hypertrophy, meaning an increase in muscle mass. Most people unfortunately equate size with strength. Size does not necessarily mean strength. The vast majority of kettlebell exercises engage literally hundreds of muscles at once. This creates profound functional strength without bulky size.  The reason for this is that the very nature of kettlebell training stimulates greater myofibril density, which causes myofibrillar hypertrophy.  Myofibrils are contractile organisms within the muscle that are directly related to strength.  What the majority of people may not know is that 50 percent to 70 percent of hypertrophy size in bodybuilding is from sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. This type of hypertrophy contributes to very little direct strength and muscular force production.

Kettlebells are also different from traditional weight lifting in that you can use all three planes of motion simultaneously. The transverse plane is largely targeted and this is where 70 percent of all injuries happen.  Kettlebell training is based upon generating momentum, perpetuating it, and then redirecting and decelerating that momentum.  So training in the transverse plane can actually prevent injuries.

Kettlebell training

Research has proven that a kettlebell lifter can do whatever a traditional weight lifter can do, but not very many traditional weight lifters can do what a kettlebell lifter can do. The kettlebell lifter has “real world strength” that applies to real world situations, everyday tasks and obstacles.

In Summary

–  Kettlebells and dumbbells are distinctively different in shape. Dumbbells have equally distributed weight in the center of mass and Kettlebells have a unique extension from the center of mass.

–  The unique “U” shaped handle creates an additional lever arm that increases or decreases the weight and force depending on how it is held.

–  The swinging action that is used in kettlebell technique in combination with the unique shape results in rotational inertia, which in turn requires greater core stability to control the movement – i.e. very functional and effective core strengthening power.

–  Kettlebells require greater strength and demand a refined coordination of the muscular and nervous systems for control. Both acceleration and deceleration are important components that utilize these systems.

–  Kettlebells translate much better into functional everyday activities. There are very few objects in the “real world” that are evenly shaped with a center of mass like a dumbbell.   Kettlebells teach “real world strength”.

–  Kettlebells produce muscles that are incredibly dense and functionally strong without bulky size.

–  Traditional weight training technique utilizes mostly isolated movement.   The kettlebell technique requires full body engagement involving multiple muscle groups.

–  Traditional weight training relies on mostly linear and two dimensional movement whereas kettlebell technique involves movement on all planes in three dimensional movements.

Keep Working Out!
Vannessa Bader
Vanessa Bader is a Certified Personal Trainer from Las Vegas , Nevada.
To get some great workouts to reach your fitness and weight loss  goals, visit:  http://hotburningbody.com

Diabetes Fest!

October 7, 2010 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: Health & Fitness, Video 

From: Robby LeBlanc, Las Vegas News Blog
Re: Diabetes Fest, Desert Springs Hospital, Las Vegas, NV. October 2, 2010

About 1 year ago I went to this same Diabetes Fest at Desert Springs Hospital and discovered I had type 2 Diabetes . It’s been a long, painful, educational year. Ultimately going to this event helped save my life. Below is an interview I did with Ted Norris, the Program Director for the Wound care Center at Desert Springs Hospital. He shares some valuable lifesaving information…

If you have any questions or need more information about Diabetes
or Diabetes treatment contact Desert Springs at the following Address:

Desert Springs Hospital – Medical Center
2075 East Flamingo Road
Las Vegas, Nevada 89119
Phone: 702-733-8800

It’s never too late to get help for your diabetes. Get your questions answered today! You life may depend on it!

To Your Better Health,
Robby LeBlanc

Small Actions For Big Changes

March 25, 2010 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: Health & Fitness 

Certified Personal Trainer Vanessa Schneider has written an excellent article here about how the power of small changes can still make a big imapact on your weight and health.

Small Actions for Big Changes – by Vanessa Schneider

When it comes to getting the body you want, it can often be the small changes you make in your daily routine that can make a big difference in the results you are getting. For you, jumping in the deep end might the best, or maybe you are one of those people who needs to ease in to your new lifestyle and eating habits.

Either way, it is sometimes difficult to stick to the original plan.  But always remember, even if you have a little “slip”, simply get “right back on the wagon”.

Here are a few tiny changes that can help you stick to your weight loss plan and  that will definitely have a big impact on your weight-loss results.

1)  Never skip Breakfast. Have a filling but low fat breakfast.
That will help you to eat fewer total calories during the
rest of your day.

2)  For both lunch and dinner, most of your plate should have
vegetables and/or fruit on it.

3)  Be aware of what and when you eat. Don’t eat mindlessly or on
the run unless you absolutely can’t avoid it. Sit down and make
it an event, no matter how small the meal.

4)  Cut back on high calorie drinks like soda, sweetened tea and
coffee, alcohol and lemonade.  This one change alone can help
you reach your goals much faster.

5)  If you have a sudden craving, walk away and turn your attention
to something else. It is a known fact that cravings will
disappear after two minutes or so.

6)  Do some kind of physical activity every day. The 10-minute
express Hot Burning Body Kettlebell workout is the perfect
solution.  But if not that, make sure you do at least 15 to 20
minutes of something physical a day.

To Your Strength and Health,
Vanessa Schneider

Vanessa Schneider is a Certified Personal Trainer from Las Vegas , Nevada.
To get some great workouts to reach your fitness and weight loss  goals, visit:  http://hotburningbody.com

Vanessa Bader – Personal Trainer

March 25, 2010 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Health & Fitness, Video 

Vanessa Bader is a Certified Personal Trainer and will be contributing content to  the Las Vegas News Blog, Health and Fitness section of our blog.  She is a partner in the local fitness company SuperbFit.com

Below is a short interview…

Be on the lookout for health and fitness tips from Vanessa.

Have a Great Day,

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