Casey Anthony is NOT Guilty!

July 8, 2011 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Rants 

Casey Anthony is NOT Guilty of Murder But Gets 4 years For Lying!

I was watching CNN when the verdict came in and must say I was shocked. Some of the juror’s spoke out and said “I did not say she was innocent,” Ford said. “I just said there was not enough evidence. If you cannot prove what the crime was, you cannot determine what the punishment should be.”

Think about it, the prosecution DID NOT Do Their JOB!
I don’t think there is anyone that thinks Casey Anthony is innocent. Yes she’s a liar on multiple levels. I found her guilty by the Bullet Points the news would spoon feed us every night. The fact remains, the prosecution just did not prove beyond a shadow of doubt that Casey Anthony was guilty of 1st degree murder.

The entire country is outraged.
I witnessed seasoned news reporters visibly upset at this verdict, crying in fact.

I don’t know if this was 1st degree murder as it is defined, but I do know something went tragically wrong and a baby is dead.For anyone thinking that Casey Anthony will just get off scot free and live happily ever after, think again. Yes, Casey may get a book or movie deal which could bring her a lump sum of money in the short term. However, all the money in the world WILL NEVER erase from the public’s eye that Casey Anthony did something so terribly wrong to her baby.

What employer on earth would knowingly want to hire her?
Who would want to be her friend?
Who would want to date her?

Her only options for employment are those disgusting entertainment based shows that truly exploit, humiliate and embarrass people. Hmmm.
No one will ever trust her word again.
Casey Anthony is a liar and now the entire world knows it. In short, I think Casey Anthony’s options for any real relationships, be it personal or general on any level are extremely limited and lonely.

For those of you wanting justice, it’s my opinion that life will not be easy for Casey Anthony. I beleive in what comes around goes around, KARMA. Yes, Casey Anthony was found not guilty of murder, but that doesn’t mean she won’t pay a price. The price from public opinion I believe will be overwhelming. How can it not be?

Maybe in time the entire truth will be revealed, but don’t hold your breath. I see this tragic story playing out in the news for many years to come.

That’s All for Now,
Robby LeBlanc

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