I LOVE When People Say, “Just Be Healthy.”

November 2, 2018 by
Filed under: Health & Fitness 

I LOVE When People Say, “Just Be Healthy.” Like You Have a Switch in Your Brain You Can Turn Off.

Let’s be honest, the reason why so many people fail is because the people preaching this has never struggled, or forgot how hard it is. They truly don’t know how hard healthy really is. Being healthy takes a lot more then looking good my friends. It’s a life style and it’s a slow change.

You can’t do it full force most of us anyway can’t. I know I cannot. Let’s be honest being healthy is not competing and showcasing a body you spent 12 weeks to prepare. After doing hours of cardio and restricting your body full of nutrition and then when your show is over gorging yourself full of shit food I wouldn’t even give my dog.

Competition is not dedication, it can truly be a sickness. It’s not done right by probably 90% of competitors and yes that includes pros. Just because you look amazing doesn’t mean you are not rotting from the inside. I want optimal health.

Feeling amazing on the inside first and looking good on the outside second. I am not hating on competitors but the reality is a lot of them go on social media and preach they can change you and in return ruin your body where you are fighting years for your health. I use to have a client not a competitor who kept telling me my workouts needed more cardio. Mentally society had ruined her thinking.

I can’t fix the people who don’t want to learn.
This isn’t a quick process. It has taking me years to switch my eating habits, tone down my cardio, learned to use my own strength instead of weights all the time, and switch simple things like body products that are filled with chemicals to natural ones. You know why, because of convenience.

Well I have news for you people, it’s easier to order online anyway then that simple gratification you get at target.

Why am I telling you this?
To hate on people? No. I want you to stop feeling horrible about yourself thinking omg how did she do it.

I want you to make a small change until it gets bigger and bigger.
Because those small changes can look like this. .Christina Vargas. 

This article was reposted with permission from Christina Vargas and from her Instagram account.
To Follow her on instagram go to: @christinavargas   


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