Government Shutdown Day 4!

October 4, 2013 by
Filed under: Rants 

US CongressThe Republicans Party have Shutdown the United States Government! This is DISGUSTING!

It is my understanding this government shutdown is costing about 1 billion dollars a day. Yes, a billion dollars! This shutdown is effecting EVERYONE in one way or another.

Why Was The Government Shutdown?
A small group of Republicans within the party itself are still trying to defund and get rid of Obamacare. Thus, they are holding everyone else in congress hostage, at One BILLION Dollars a day!

Yesterday I heard on CNN the following dialog between Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell Discussing Shutdown. It’s evident they did not think there microphone was still active and hot.

Rand Paul:
“I just did CNN and I just go over and over again ‘We’re willing to compromise. We’re willing to negotiate.’ I think, I don’t think they poll tested we won’t negotiate. I think it’s awful for them to say that over and over again.

Mitch McConnell:
“Yeah, I do too and I, and I just came back from that two hour meeting with them and that, and that was basically the same view privately as it was publicly.

Rand Paul:
“I think if we keep saying, ‘We wanted to defund it. We fought for that and that we’re willing to compromise on this’, I think they can’t, we’re gonna, I think, well, I know we don’t want to be here, but we’re gonna win this, I think.”

Then a few minutes later I heard John Boehner say on CNN “This isn’t a game!”

Who are you kidding John Boehner???
This is a game that is costing 1 BILLION DOLLARS A Day!

If there is no accountability in govenment and and right now specifically with congress, these politicians will do what is there best interest and not the people. This very well may be the best system in the world, but if there is a flaw with this system, it directly connected to accountability. Actually LACK of accountability.

Obama won the last 2 elections on the Obamacare platform. Not once but twice.

Do your job and VOTE the end the shutdown.

Yes, there will be some bumps in the process.
Yes, some modifications will probably need to be made as this system unfolds.
Yes, it is going to take some time to see how it all works.

Are big corporations, Some Unions and Governemnt officals not required to be part of OBAMACARE as I have heard some people say? I really don’t know the actual facts on this presently.If that is the case, I do think this should be changed.

Change will happen but it doesn’t need to happend today.Let’s give OBAMACARE a chance and then as it moves forward the problem and challenges for the American people will reveal itself.

If the Republicans put this much effort into creating a Health Care Bill that would be good for everyone VS trying the defund the present one, they just may have gotten something done.

What happened to “For The People By The People”. IT is more like ” For The Politician By The Politician!”


Contact the politicians in your your state and tell them you want them to do there job and END the Shutdown and Balance The Budget!


Have a Good Day,

Robby LeBlanc


3 Comments on Government Shutdown Day 4!

  1. Andrew on Tue, 28th Jan 2014 1:06 am
  2. Government shut downs do not aggravate me as much as what it takes to get them started up again. The crime here is when the government persecutes the general population to obtain an objective that is clearly not in our interest but theirs…

  3. Andrew on Tue, 28th Jan 2014 1:12 am
  4. Government shut downs do not aggravate me as much as what it takes to get them started up again. The crime here is when the government persecutes the general population to obtain an objective that is clearly not in our interest, but theirs…

  5. Robby LeBlanc on Tue, 17th Jun 2014 9:38 am
  6. I’m with you on this Andrew!

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